Zebra Codes

How to Make Arrays of Inputs in Vue3

17th of January, 2023

In the previous guide I showed how to make a compound input for a person’s first and last name. Suppose that we now want to show this input for a variable number of people, how should that be done?

We will start with a root data object that will contain all the data for our form, updated dynamically as the form inputs are changed.

const formData = {
    people: [],

The form will contain a list of “Person” inputs, and a button to add a new person.

  <div style="border: 1px solid black">
      v-for="(person, index) in props.value"
    <button @click.prevent="addPerson">Add Person</button>

<script setup>
import Person from "@/Person.vue";

const props = defineProps({ value: Array });

const addPerson = function () {
  props.value.push({ firstName: "", lastName: "" });

And the Person input simply contains the two text input fields:

    <input type="text" v-model="props.value.firstName" />
    <input type="text" v-model="props.value.lastName" />

<script setup>
const props = defineProps({ value: Object });

Things to Note

It’s important to realise that the updating of data is handled by Vue3’s object reactivity API, and NOT by its event system. This has two implications:

  1. Form values are passed in the :value attribute, not in v-model.
  2. Form values passed in :value must be objects. Simple types (strings, numbers) will not work.